These days, the “Dad Bod” is considered to be the most discussed body shape. The phrase “Dad Bod” often refers to a man’s “soft” and “untoned” body. Do you have an attractive dad bod? What exactly is a dad bod? The term basically describes how a man’s body appears when he has some…
dad blog
Having school aged kids means a lot of changes and experiences. One of those things that all of them have is the “losing their first tooth” experience. My 6-year-old lost her first tooth 3 months ago. Since then, she now has 4 missing and 4…
The ’90s may be credited as the decade where animation really took off but, let’s be serious. The ’80s walked very fast so the ’90s could run. From He-Man to Ducktales to Transformers, to the Thundercats and G.I. Joe, the cartoons of the ‘80s changed everything. It was the decade when studios first began…
There are so many great things about being a dad, and then there are tough things—things dads do that we’d rather not sometimes. But if doing them means our kids grow up better, fuller, more mature, and well-rounded with a stronger sense of self, then…
We are officially done with our first week of the New Year. So, how many of you have already neglected your resolutions? By definition, “Resolution” means a firm decision to do or not do something. I think most people who make resolutions for the new…
So with 4 kids in the house, two being 10 and 12, the topic of “when should we get our kids a cell phone” has come up. This has always been a discussion amongst parents with similar aged kids. It seems though when I look…
Well, it’s officially Summer as of today, and we have been out of school for a week now. Since we had a lame winter, we didn’t need to make up any snow days. I remember growing up and always enjoyed summer vacation. Summer vacation meant…
Ahh, the day is winding down. You came home from work, you had dinner, you took care of some chores around the house. Maybe you had a beer or two (depending on the day you had) and now its time to put the kids to…